
one thing about power

Power told me to go.
So I did. I pullover the car, walking out of it.
Power screamed again. Stop! I said.
But power did not seem so.
Then I star to run. Run power say, run, and I stop gabbing my ears.
I had stop! Do you see? Power, see?

And then light. Power scrunch, I became the voyeur.
I get the rope, I get the tape, and I start the swelling.
Power gets sore. I get red. I put power under my wings, and I scratch it with my claws.

Yeh, Power is now under control.

I sit, quieting down my nerves that aint of steel. I light up a fire. It’s cold. I drag a cigarette wile I see power whipping.

No power, no!

Yes power, no!

Ok. It was done for now, but for how long? Did I know?


Power takes a new try from my sleep, and whisper words upon my dreams.

Yes, I see…I see…

And suddenly I’m the one taking the blood out of the knife.

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