
You are so special K that I wanna get high

"Eis a raiz da questão que iria desafiar a todos na entrada do século XXI: a necessária tendência do modo de produção capitalista de criar uma superpopulação de trabalhadores e, ao mesmo tempo, impedi-los de ter acesso ao trabalho e à riqueza socialmente produzida."

Mini Trecho extraído de um texto de Serviço Social. = )


We think too much what we won’t gonna do at all... We think too much…and speak too many words with no sense at all... And we are always rethinking what we unfotunally think…Cause actually we just think and think with no time to stop, unless if we are dreaming, where it happens to be the same thing, just a little bit more surreal and harmless… and I can’t help thinking where is this thinking taking me? Some place I don’t wanna be, maybe? I think that happens a lot, but then, why are you there, thinking? And what about the thinking speaking, what about the day we just have lost as the day we thought we was going to live. What such a day, too many days maybe, for sure… but not for you. You are the sickness flowing through the blood, stained, as the damage is done. You are your self in a shinning golden mirror, of two steps, and two rears…And we flow along with mysteries plods that twist our shinning golden members with delightful horrors time. Well, maybe screaming is the only solution for this section.


P.S..I load you..

Nonsense said the voice aloud. Now we all must get some sleep. It continued. We all know why we stink, don’t’ you? Yeh, don’t give me this face. Actually, why don’t you take this charm with you, it might happen to be in need. No, please, no, if we keep going down, it’s gonna take longer to go up again…Sure, you just have to use your brain, and do the math… is not that hard, believe me. Cut the crap off and just do it, man! Why? I just ask once, Why then? I bet you wont guess it, will you? Yes, yes, I know, you little peace of yellow choc… Write it down and send it along, with kisses, from me to you…and Hang Up.